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Robert Bloomfield

Travel to School & School Buses

School Bus

School bus transportation is run by the local authority. As a school, we have no direct influence on bus procedures, lateness and issues with the service provided.

If you have a question or complaint regarding school bus transportation, you will need to contact the CBC Transport Team directly on  0300 300 8339 

Alternatively, you should contact the individual coach companies if you have a more specific issue or query. Please note, RBA office staff will not be able to assist with bus-related questions other than student conduct. 

Bus Route Company  Contact Number   
J86  SW3 Barton Coach Company 01582 882881
J84 J83 Herberts Travel 01234 342057
J79  J80 J82 Landmark Coaches 01462 434577
J81 Cozy Travel 01462 481707

If a bus runs late or has a mechanical/technical issue, we will alert families via social media and parent mail once we are made aware. Please have a plan B in place in order to get your child to school if the bus is unable to pick up for any reason.

However, please do not phone the school for additional information. Instead, direct your questions to the company themselves. 

Bus Timetables

CBC School Bus Timetables

Bus Conduct - We will address any conduct concerns regarding our students and liaise with the companies when investigating. As such, we operate a strict code of conduct for this service that outlines how we expect the pupils to behave and what the consequences are should they choose not to. This amounts to a 3 strike system which can be accelerated at any time due to the nature of the incident.

The Home to School Transport policy from CBC has clear guidance on what is and is NOT acceptable when using their bus service.

The CBC Code of Conduct exists to make the journey between home and school safe and comfortable for all those travelling. The Council’s priority is to meet all health and safety requirements and to avoid accident or injury wherever possible.  

School Transport in bad weather Click here

We will notify parents via Parentmail and Social Media of any bus issues as soon as we are made aware.

School Closures information

If the school is closed as a result of bad weather the school will update the School Closures System and parents will be notified via Parentmail and Social Media.

Contact details for the Local Authority and how to apply for School Transport:

Telephone: 0300 300 8339
Write to: The School Transport Team, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ


We encourage our local students to walk to school, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our doors open from 8am for breakfast club. This must be pre-booked through Parentmail.


We provide stands for bikes and scooters, but pupils must provide their own locks. Helmets and Lights must be provided by families. Safety is paramount. 


Please note that there are no car parking facilities for parents at the school.

Please do not park on the Yellow lines outside of school or in the bus lane. 

Please ensure your child knows your travel back-up plan should their normal means of getting to school is affected. For example if a pupil normally catches the school bus but due to the weather conditions the bus cannot get to their pick-up point they need to know what to do. For most this will be to return home (after waiting 20 mins after the scheduled collection time) for others this may be returning to a neighbour or contacting parents, depending on what you have arranged.  

In terms of the school we will always try to ensure the school is open unless the weather conditions cause a risk to the health and safety of the users of our site or travelling to the site. Information regarding any school closure will be posted initially on the Central Bedfordshire Schools Portal and then via our social media channels.

Travel to school initiatives

For more information about Central Bedfordshire Council's Liftshare scheme, please click here....

A free online public transport journey planner along with public bus and train timetable information, can be found here

Details of National cycle routes and a cycle route planner can be found here

RBA run Bikeability courses every year for Year 6 students and encourage walking or cycling / scooting to school where possible.

Central Bedfordshire Travel Choices website has lots of useful information on:

  • Health and well-being benefits of walking / cycling
  • Organised health walks
  • Walking / Cycling guides
  • Bus maps
  • Cycle clubs
  • The Cycle to Work scheme

The website can be found here