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Robert Bloomfield

Personal Development

At Robert Bloomfield Academy we strive to offer the highest possible quality of education for every single student in our community.

We strongly believe that education is not solely about the academic progress of a child, but how we develop our students into respectful and active citizens. As a school, we are privileged with the responsibility to develop the youth of our community, and it is a job we take with the upmost importance.

One of our prime targets is to keep students mentally healthy, and we can achieve this through developing self-confidence, resilience and knowledge. We achieve this through offering a range of opportunities throughout their four-year journey with us, and we are extremely proud of the inclusive diet all of our students are offered. 

We aim to prepare our students for the next stage of their education, and beyond. We are proud to start a career programme for our students that can support them in starting to explore the vast range of opportunities available to them, and support all of our students to become determined and aspirational individuals.

Our Personal Development Catalogue highlights the breadth and range of opportunities our students get at Robert Bloomfield Academy, and we will continue to search for new opportunities indefinitely.


Current Extra-Curricular Clubs that may be offered:

  • 49 Club – Service pupils
  • Art Club
  • Books & Beyond
  • Brass Group
  • Chess
  • Coding Club
  • EGI Club
  • Flute Choir
  • Guitar Club
  • Homework Club
  • KS2 Cooking Club
  • KS2 French Film Club
  • KS2 Science Club
  • KS3 Art Club
  • KS3 CADCAM Photoshop
  • KS3 French Film Club
  • KS3 Musical Theatre Group 
  • Lego Club
  • Lunchtime Study Club
  • Maths
  • Newspaper
  • Orchestra
  • Public Speaking/Debate
  • String Group
  • Study Club
  • Vocal Zone
  • Who do you think you are?
  • Year 5 & 6 Pop Choir
  • Year 6 Rocket Club
  • Young Carers Drop In

Sport at RBA

We have an impressive reputation for sporting excellence with provision for all kinds of sporting opportunities. We were the National Schools’ Athletics Champions in 2009; in addition, we have reached regional and national finals in rugby, football, hockey, indoor athletics, athletics and cross-country in the last three years too. We field teams for inter-school fixtures in cricket, rounders, netball, hockey, rugby, football, gymnastics, table tennis, badminton, basketball, cross-country running, athletics and swimming. Fixtures and teams are created for all levels of participation, and regularly enter Sportability events. There are also numerous extra-curricular activities before school, at lunch time, after school and occasionally on weekends. The school has excellent facilities for sport, including a large sports hall, a floodlit 3G pitch, a3 floodlit netball courts, extensive playing fields and a gymnasium. ​

Sport Clubs that may be offered:

  • Dodgeball
  • Gym Squad
  • KS2 and KS3 Girl's Hockey
  • KS3 Badminton
  • KS3 Boy's Hockey
  • Netball for ALL
  • Squad Netball All Years
  • Table Tennis
  • Year 5 A&B Football
  • Year 5 boys rugby
  • Year 5 Football
  • Year 5 Netball
  • Year 5 Rugby
  • Year 5&6 Fitness
  • Year 5&6 Girl's Rugby
  • Year 6 Boy's Basketball
  • Year 6 Football
  • Year 6 Girl's Basketball
  • Year 6 Netball
  • Year 6 Rugby
  • Year 7 Football
  • Year 7&8 Boy's Basketball
  • Year 7&8 Fitness
  • Year 7&8 Girl's Basketball
  • Year 7&8 Girl's Football
  • Year 7&8 Girl's Rugby
  • Year 7&8 Hockey
  • Year 7&8 Squad Basketball
  • Year 8 Football
  • Year 8 Invitation Rugby

Performing Arts

Performing Arts is an integral part of school life. Recent drama productions have included, ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘The Lion King’,  ‘Frozen’ and 'Matilda', all of which boasted 100 strong casts, demonstrating our inclusive approach. With our Platinum Arts Mark application in process, we also offer Arts Awards for students in both year 5 and 7 in addition to our healthy extra-curricular offer. 

Performing Arts Clubs that may be offered:

  • KS2 Cheerleading
  • KS3 Cheerleading
  • KS2 Dance company
  • KS3 Dance company
  • Production acting/singing
  • Production dance


Music has an important place in the school with many children joining in music activities in their own time. Many children learn to play string, woodwind and brass instruments with tuition from visiting tutors. The school receives a subsidy towards the cost of providing instrumental lessons and parents are asked to pay a termly fee to cover the full cost. Complete details of the instrumental tuition scheme are available on request. Many children then join our bands, KS2 pop choir, Glee Club and orchestra and take part in our termly concerts or visit local schools or community groups to perform. ​

Music Clubs that may be offered:

  • Orchestra
  • Brass Group
  • Flute Choir
  • Guitar Club
  • String Group
  • Vocal Zone
  • Year 5 & 6 Pop Choir
  • Plus numerous peripetetic lessons
  • Rock Band

Pastoral Care

The Pupil Support Room is the pastoral base for the school. Our aim is to develop and maintain emotional wellbeing and to create an environment in which pupils feel happy, confident and valued so they are able to thrive academically. On a day to day basis we are here to help any pupil should they need any additional support. We are also the gateway to accessing support from Central Bedfordshire Council and external agencies via the Early Help process. We regularly liaise with these outside agencies and parents to ensure our pupils are getting the extra support they need to be able to fulfil their potential. We also run a number of clubs aimed at boosting pupils' social skills, self-esteem and confidence.​


Pupil leadership team (PLT)

We have a dedicated team of Year 8 elected officials who represent the Student Body. This is our 6th year of boasting a PLT and together with House Captains, we have a very strong student voice at RBA.

There is an application form to complete for each role and the roles range from subject ambassadors and form captains to peer mentors and reading ambassadors.​

Internet Safety

At RBA we seek to embrace technology and the internet and prefer to educate the pupils to ensure they are safe when working on-line. Internet safety is a regular topic for year group and whole school assemblies. We also work closely with Kevin Gourlay from ChildNet to ensure our pupils understand the potential pitfalls of the internet. Kevin also works with our parents to keep them up to speed with current trends and hazards.​