House System
At Robert Bloomfield Academy we are proud of our school ethos encompassing Community, Opportunity and Excellence. We want our House system to reflect the proud history and culture of Bedfordshire, along with the vision and the values of our Academy. We have therefore decided to base our House system on the four local people who not only embody our school ethos, but who inspired generations with their resilience and aspiration: Harold Abrahams, Alan Turing, Mary Norton and Glenn Miller.
Each House consists of 8 tutor groups and will be supported by a Head of House. Heads of House will work closely with Form Tutors to ensure that the students in each House have the opportunity to excel and contribute.
Our House system is designed to encourage an ethos of reward and competition. Each year, the houses will compete for the House Trophy. Students will gain points for their House through good attendance; good effort and achievement in their work; by contributing positively to the life of Robert Bloomfield Academy; or by competing in one of the many House competitions we will run each year.
We have Facebook and Twitter accounts for each House.
Abrahams House Colour: Yellow Twitter: @RBAAbrahams |
Miller House Colour: Purple Twitter: @RBAMiller |
Norton House Colour: Blue Twitter: @RBANorton |
Turing House Colour: Green |