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Robert Bloomfield

Pupil Leadership Team

  • The PLT enables every pupil in the school to have a voice. Students in Y8 apply, via an application form and require a reference from a member of staff and 2 students. 
  • Candidates are undertake an interview with a senior member of staff and, where possible, pupils from the previous years’ committee.
  • Once selected, the newly formed committee then democratically elect a Chair and Vice Chair. 
  • Mrs Crowley is the Senior Management liaison link. Whilst she will support the meetings, the students themselves set and run the agenda, talking points from the Whole School Development Plan and student community.


Introducing the members of our new Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) for 2024/25 -

Trystan, Beth, Evie, Jessica, Matthew, Thomas, Amaya, Veer, Reuben, Sienna, Jake and Arvin.  Such an enthusiastic group of young people who have lots of amazing ideas on how to improve the school.  Their next steps are to make themselves known to the rest of the school so pupils can reach out to them with thoughts and ideas on how to make RBA even more amazing!