Academy Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Mr Linehan | Principal, NPQH |
Mr Marshall | Vice Principal - Culture & Ethos NPQSL, NPQH |
Mr Emsley | Vice Principal - Quality of Education NPQH |
Mr Guiney | Senior Assistant Principal - Behaviour & Attitudes NPQSL |
Miss Wrigglesworth | Assistant Principal - Curriculum & Literacy |
Mrs Day | Assistant Principal - Safeguarding & Inclusion DSL / GDPR Lead |
Mr Spence |
Assistant Principal - Outcomes NPQSL |
Mrs Booth |
Assistant Principal - Director of SEND / Named Senco, NASENCO |
Mr Harpin | Associate Assistant Principal - Personal Development NPQSL |
Mrs Crowley | Associate Assistant Principal - Personal Development NPQSL Candidate |
Extended Leadership Team
Mrs Stanton | Director of Learning - Literacy |
Mrs Abbott | Pastoral Director |
Heads of Year
Mrs Brown | Head of Year 5 |
Mr Richbell | Head of Year 6 |
Mr Tompkins | Head of Year 7 |
Mr Monte | Head of Year 8 |
Heads of Department
Mrs Edwards | English |
Mrs Joannou | Maths |
Mr Langley | Science |
Miss Curtis | PSHC |
Mrs Prendergast | Humanities |
Mrs Cooper |
PE |
Mrs Riberaud | MFL |
Mr Fisher | Music |
Mrs Marshall | Performing Arts |
Mrs Palmer | Art |
Mrs Bignall | Creative and Practical Arts Faculty |
Mrs Trott | Computer Science |
Other Key Staff
Mrs Watson | PA To Principal. Office Manager | |
Mrs Barnett | School Manager - Health and Safety Lead | |
Mr McCarthy | Site Agent | |
Mrs Hutson | Admissions and Student Attendance / Data Manager | |
Mr Harpin | Educational Visits CoOrdinator | |
Mrs Smith |
Lettings |
Mrs Tudge | Senior Medical Co-ordinator |
Safeguarding Staff
- Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Day
- Deputy Safeguard Lead – Mrs Abbott and Mrs Stevens
- Deputy Safeguard Lead – Mr Guiney
- Safeguarding team includes – Mrs Thompson, Mr Charter, Mr Marshall, Mr Emsley - all trained to DSL Level
- Safeguarding Governor – Mrs V Thompson