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Robert Bloomfield

Governing Body

Our Local Governing Body is made up as follows:

Chair of Governors - Mark Liddiard -  Contact via the clerk -

Vice Chair of Governors - Richard Bond 

Safeguarding Lead - Valerie Thompson

Principal (Ex Officio Governor) - John Linehan

Clerk - Contact via:

Main Governing Body

  • Mark Liddiard (Chair of Governors, Appointed by Trust) January 2020 - January 2026
  • John Linehan (Ex Officio Governor) June 2023 - July 2029
  • Helen Joannou (Staff Governor)  January 2024 - January 2026
  • Valerie Thompson (Appointed by Governing Body) July 2018 - July 2026
  • Stephen Walker (Appointed by Governing Body) March 2020 - March 2027
  • Craig Smith (Appointed by Trust) April 2024 - April 2027
  • Tim Mills (Parent Governor) July 2023 - July 2027
  • Emma Russell (Parent Governor) November 2023 - November 2027
  • Richard Bond (Parent Governor) November 2023 - November 2027
  • Ali Roberts (Parent Governor) March 2024 - March 2027

Appointing Governors

All Governors are appointed via advert on the school website and parent mail communications to our community. After references and DBS vetting are completed, the Chair of Governors and Principal meet all new prospective members and interview. The full governing Body will then formally ratify this decision.