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Robert Bloomfield

New Starters Information

Our Open Evening will be held on Thursday 14th November 2024, 5-8pm.  More information will be published nearer the time.  In the meantime please contact us if you have any questions.

When should I apply for my child’s place?

            - The closing date for applications to Middle School is 15th January 2024

            - Apply online via the Central Bedfordshire Admissions page


Where do I buy RBA Uniform from?

- Our uniform supplier is Prestige. You can order uniform via this link

All non branded items can be sourced from High Street suppliers.  Our Dress Code is attached below. 

We also have a second hand uniform shop which has good condition, used items that are available for a contribution to the school.


How do I sign up for Parentmail?

- Following your offer of a place at RBA, you will be sent an email to sign up to our Parentmail system.


If you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Officer on 01462 628800.


A message from our Uniform supplier - Prestige

We would like to remind you that Prestige operate an appointment booking system during the school holidays.

This helps to keep the shop foot fall moving all day rather than all at one time.

These time slots can be booked online via their website, and appear on the school heading.

Each time slot is 15 minutes and the staff will assist with the sizing. If you require more time or have two children they can be booked together.

This system has proved to work fantastically over the years and tends to mean less stress and hanging around for the Children & Adults.

Our 2023 Open Evening Presentation is available to view at the bottom of this page.