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Robert Bloomfield

Academic Organisation

Robert Bloomfield is divided into four year groups, years 5 to 8. Each of these is then split into two bands for the purposes of timetabling. We follow a primary style model in Year 5, with students spending a proportion of their curriculum time in their dedicated teaching block and some specialist teaching facilities. We provide careers education in the form of two whole school careers weeks, STEM days in year 7 and personalised Electives programmes in year 8. We are also very proud of the extensive enrichment of the curriculum, clubs, residential visits and activities generously provided by the staff.

We offer a cohesive curriculum encompassing the following curricular areas, as laid down under the National Curriculum:

  • Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science
  • EBacc Subjects: Computing, French, Geography, History, Religious Education
  • Foundation Subjects: Music, Design & Technology (Food, Textiles, Graphics and Resistant Materials), Physical Education, Art, Dance and Drama.
  • Cross-Curricular: Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), SMSC
  • Year 8 Electives: English, STEM, Humanities and Ethics, Art, Performing Arts, PE, Food and Computing

High standards of achievement and excellence are sought for students throughout their life at Robert Bloomfield and the aim and objectives of the school clearly reflect these aspects.

Our aim is that by the end of year 8, students will have made progress, commensurate with their ability, towards achieving the following:

  • Develop competence in Literacy and Numeracy commensurate with the child’s potential:
    • a) To listen, understand and read; to express themselves coherently, both orally and in writing, with good standards of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
    • b) To learn, understand and use a variety of mathematical skills, concepts and processes.
  • Learn, understand and use a variety of scientific and technical skills, concepts and processes.
  • Develop an understanding, appreciation and awareness of physical, human and historical influences; how they have been developed and how change has come about.
  • Use their initiative to plan and to develop projects, making informed choices both independently and as a member of a team; to consider responsibly the consequences of their actions.
  • Express themselves creatively and confidently through a variety of media.
  • Understand their strengths and weaknesses and apply this understanding in order to obtain awareness of future careers and education pathways suited to them
  • Develop control, co-ordination and mobility and be stimulated in the development of knowledge, understanding and attitudes in a range of physical and practical activities.
  • Search for, select and organise information and to record and use findings in a variety of ways, including ICT.
  • Develop personal moral values and acceptable standards of behaviour, respect for religious values and tolerance of other races, religions, faith traditions and ways of life.